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How can YOU implement the Idaho Comprehensive Cancer Plan

Want some tips and tricks to include cancer control in your daily work?

Use the examples below to get an idea of how you and your organization can help move the Plan forward and reduce the burden of cancer in your community and throughout Idaho.


Review, support or participate in implementation of Idaho Comprehensive Cancer Plan activities

Ensure that your cancer cases are reported in a timely manner.

Collaborate to sponsor navigation and survivorship programs.

Collaborate to sponsor community screening and education programs.

Implement tobacco-free policies at your facility.

Include cancer prevention messages in health classes.

Provide healthy foods in vending machines and cafeterias.

Encourage employees to get cancer screening tests on time.

Health Departments

Review, support or participate in implementation of Idaho Cancer Plan activities

Support policy, environmental, and systems changes for cancer control.

Provide cancer prevention awareness information and screening programs to citizens.

Provide navigation services for clients.

Collaborate in community prevention campaigns.

Work with physicians to promote screening programs and case reporting.

Provide cancer prevention information to members.

Learn how to provide healthy potlucks and meeting meals.

Provide space for physical activity programs.

Encourage employees to get cancer screening tests on time.

Community Organizations

Review, support or participate in implementation of Idaho Cancer Plan activities

Support policy, environmental, and systems changes for cancer control.

Promote or provide cancer prevention awareness information and screening programs for clients


Encourage participation in clinical trials.

Collaborate to provide community prevention programs.


Implement tobacco-free policies at your facility

Provide healthy foods in vending machines and cafeterias.

Encourage employees to increase physical activity.

Collaborate with community partners to host education or screening events.

Implement worksite wellness programs to educate on and to encourage employees to have regular cancer screenings.


Stop using tobacco products or never start.

Eat more fruits and vegetables and maintain a healthy weight.

Increase your daily physical activity.

Know when to be screened and do it on schedule.

Support comprehensive tobacco-free environment policies.

If diagnosed with cancer, consider enrolling in a clinical trial.

Show your support and care for those who are diagnosed.

Volunteer with your hospital, health department, faith community, or local community-based organization.

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